What is the Land Surfer®?
years people who Surf or Snowboard didn’t have anything
that could challenge them during the summer months away from
the shore. All they had was the skateboard… good in
it’s own right but so limiting. Imagine being able to
board over grass. Imagine being able to cross rocks and broken
terrain without any problems. Imagine being able to turn rolling
hills into veritable waves and moguls. If this appeals to
you then the Land Surfer® is the answer.
The Land Surfer® is the closest thing off the snow to
snowboarding. The oversized wheels of the board allow passage
across most every type of terrain and the treads on the wheels
allow for less slip than you would get from wheels on other
boards. Two sizes of wheels allow you to customize the type
of riding experience you want. If you want more speed and
the terrain is rougher than normal the larger wheels allow
greater speed and clearance of the board. If you are just
learning and the speed is too much then put the smaller wheels
on. The choices given you allow you to enjoy a smooth seamless
ride across terrain never before thought possible.
With surfing and snowboarding one of the most challenging things
for a lot of people is learning how to turn. Many a person have
wiped out something fierce trying to learn to no avail. This
isn’t a problem with the Land Surfer®. Land Surfer®
incorporates a new type of turning mechanism designed and patented
just for this board. The mechanism allows you to turn the board
itself up to 180 degrees in either direction allowing a greater
degree of turning than ever before. This new mechanism also
adds a bonus for people just learning. Should you wipe out the
board stays at the angle it was in when you wiped out. Thus
if you bail out in a turn the board will circle you until it
looses momentum. No more chasing the board down the street.
All in all we feel that the Land Surfer® is what Surf, Skate
and Snowboarders alike have been searching for. Just try it
once and you will see why we say, “The Future of Extreme
Boarding has Arrived..”
Completely adjustable steering at BOTH axles. (Patented)
Instantly adjustable turning radius, from too much turn, - to
NO turn. (Patented) (Don't try NO turn - it doesn't turn - if
you DO try NO turn, plan to leave early, cause it won't turn
- or, to put it another way, with NO turn, plan to have a very
short and exciting ride. - Of course, the same could be said
about putting in too much turn.)
No springs or rubber-held trucks to push against (Patented)
- just natural centrifugal force
2 tire choices -one knobby, - one smooth - (the best wheels
& tires by far, of all we tried. We tried every tire and
wheel combination we could get our hands on - if you come up
with something you think might be better, let us know - we'll
try anything.)
No leash needed - You come off, and Land Surfer® just circles and stops.
Instantly changeable wheels mounted in rubber. (Patented)
• Land Surfer® is collapsible for easy storage
Largest wheels on ANY board
No wobbles!
All aluminum aircraft-grade tube construction - indestructible